Saturday, March 22, 2014

Sex and the V.I.P

A year and a half back the latest casualty linked to sex-based misconduct on the part of a VIP was the Head of American Intelligence David Patrias who resigned under moral pressure. The US President Barack Obama accepted it although many an official in the administration felt bad looking to his ability and contribution to US military as its head and the Chief of US operations in Iraq and Afghanistan for quite some time. His own regret over the illegal relationship developed with Paula Bradwel, a researcher from Harvard University writing on the General’s life during his stay in Afghanistan was conveyed through an e-mail to the people concerned. He felt ashamed of his own conduct – a man having married life of 37 years with a lady and being the head of an organization at the national level. One should admire his step after all. There are many other individuals in public life who care little about such affairs till they are literally pushed off from their positions.

However a moot point to be raised and discussed here is why should people occupying very high positions in life or exhibiting extraordinary qualities and high achievers fall a pray to such passions and become an easy victim to female beauties like some saints and celebrities. Probably such individuals are not satisfied with one female in their life and likely to develop relationship with a female companion in their weak moments at their work places. It is human weakness and a necessity at some points of time in their life. How do you explain otherwise the strength of a harem in a King’s palace being discussed in history books or the modern leaders of public life practicing polygamy with impunity even now in certain places?

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