Monday, April 22, 2013

Buck should stop at one point:

The latest diatribe from our congress leader Digvijay Singh is that the buck should stop at one point. He wants to say that the posts of P.M and Congress President should be held by one individual and that too by Rahul Gandhi as early as possible. It is a very well taken stand by him at this juncture but the point is whether it is the party's views or his personal view. Since he is the party's declared spokesperson it creates a doubt in our minds on this issue. It would be better if he only announces the party's stand always. He simultaneously declares that Sonia has the last word on policies. If that is correct what authority he enjoys to declare his personal views contrary to that of party's. He is already a SONIAS' alter-ego. His role is therefore doubtlessly dubious which needs to be corrected by the party sooner than later.

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