Vinita Dawra Nangia has, under the above caption (Times life on 21st April, 2013 ), reported that historically the world has frowned upon polyandry (one women with two or more men), while tolerating, if not outright encouraging by legalizing polygyny (one man with multiple sexual partners). Male chauvinism at full play with a brutal force!!
Interestingly, Michael Price from the psychology department of Brunel University west London, equates serial monogamists such as Donald Trump and Larry King, who divorce older wives and marry younger women, as polygamists too, since they also monopolize the reproductive years of a number of women. In that sense, all celebrities, stars, prominent sportsmen and business tycoons with a series of women, can be termed polygamists as well!
How do we reconcile the fact that some political personalities/chief ministers and cine stars are openly staying with more than two women as wives without marriage. With double standards at work freely in our society, the law of the land and its enforcing agencies turn a blind eye to the facts of life for obvious reasons.
In our affluent age, exotic indulgences, such as maintaining a concubine, are quite common and on the increase as rightly pointed out. This reminds us of former rulers/kings maintaining harems with many women / beauties.