A.G Noorani, a lawyer and commentator says in his article on the above topic ( The Hindu of Monday, July 30, 2012) that the media performs its duty, each time, of comparing the latest figures with the ones disclosed only a few years earlier marveling each time at the talent our political class has of amassing money in a short time with none to demand that they account for the dramatic increase. He also refers to the observations of Dr Ambedkar on disclosures by candidates and the efficacy or the usefulness of such unaccountable disclosures on the eve of elections. Wonder of the wonders is the “absolute silence observed and practiced by the courts and the election commission on this issue”
He further narrates how bribery and corruption in public life existed in India even during pre-independence days. Motilal Nehru bitterly complained to Jawaharlal that “heavy bribing of the voters was the order of the day. I am thoughly disgusted and am now seriously thinking of retiring from public life. The Malviya-Lala (Lajpat Rai) gang aided by Birla’s money are making frantic efforts to capture the Congress.” Oh my God! Purchase of votes by the politicians with the money of business men was prevalent even during the early days of our freedom struggle in our country. No wonders, the chief ministers are repeating the same gestures to capture power in modern India.
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