A few months ago Mr R.Nataraj, the former DGP of Fire Services took over as the Chairman of Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission mainly with a view to setting right the beleaguered and mismanaged organization with his rich experience as the super cop in the state. But the way it has been managed in recent days reveals its pathetic nature.
Question paper has been leaked with large scale collection of money at different levels. Therefore the paper for Group II exam has been cancelled and the re-exam ordered.
The result of Group IV exam has been stayed by the High Court on the basis that in some centres question paper contained only 105 questions instead of 200 in number and nobody could help the candidates in getting the remaining questions in the examination hall.
Another news item: “Wrong address on hall ticket foxes TNPSC candidates”. The helpline numbers on the hall tickets were also not in use. Many aspirants tried in vain to locate the correct venue by dialing the numbers. Hundreds of aspirants for the Group II services conducted by TNPSC had to return without appearing for the examination as the hall tickets had wrong address of the examination centre.
One is not sure what and why everything went wrong with a good-intentioned and experienced hand at the helm of affairs. He is perhaps not aware of the intricacies involved in maintaining secrecy and executing the work correctly and efficiently or he is quite casual in approach which has landed him in deep waters. The candidates are the sufferers and wastage of the time & money is the result.
Instead of writing long articles in a daily called Dinamani as usual and presiding over functions every now and then, he can very well focus his attention on the working of TNPSC for a while.