The Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu has announced on Tuesday, February 1, 2012 that as many as 9 lakhs concrete houses would be built in five years time throughout Tamil Nadu. During the discussion on the floor of the Legislative Assembly one DMK member by name Mr. A.V. Velu (Thiruvamallai) stated that earlier the DMK Government had estimated that there were about 18 lakh slum houses in the whole of Tamil Nadu. He therefore wondered how the present Government is going to meet such a huge demand in view of the fact that the Government/State Government would be able to construct only three laks concrete houses at the rate of 60,000 per annum. To this the Chief Minister replied that three lakhs concrete houses would be constructed in the next five years at the rate of Rs.1.80 lakh per dwelling unit as indicated in the state budget. In addition, under the Indira Gandhi Housing Scheme of the Central Government about five lakhs houses would be constructed and similarly about one lakh houses under the Thane Cyclone's Rehabilitation Programme would be built both in Cuddalore and Villipuram districts, thus making the total to 9 lakh houses.
It is an ambitious plan and it requires a solid commitment on the part of the officials to implement it in both letter and spirit when the allocation of adequate funds is made available by the concerned authorities. Normally, the quality of work executed by the said agencies and the contractors is not up to the mark.
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