It's very interesting - there is a comment by the former Chief Minister Mr Karunanidhi on Wednesday, February 8, 2012 to the effect that the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu Ms Jeyalalitha keeps changing her version regarding the availability of electric power and doing away with the power cuts. In fact he was recollecting the statement by the Chief Minsiter made on 4.8.2011 during the budget presentation that the power cut in the State would be gradually improved and by August 2012 it would be totally removed. Ironically he has commented on her current statement that power cut will be totally removed by the middle of 2013 and he was wondering what would be her statement in the middle of 2013. He was lamenting that due to the existing power cut introduced by the Electricity Board in the District of Coimbatore alone about 40,000 Industrial units would remain closed on February 10, 2012.
If someone is able to recollect correctly a similar situation was prevalent during DMK rule when Arcot Veerasamy was Power Minister and the former Chief Miinister was unable to do anything in this regard except a similar assurance being given to the public from time to time.
Due to change of guard every 5 years the perspective plan including detailed annual plans have had become a big joke of Tamil Nadu Government. No authority from top to bottom, from Chief Minister to lowest functionary in the Electricity Board, has no time to do a serious reading of the situation, estimate the demand of power for the next 10 years, suggest and create new source of energy on a long term basis and make consistent efforts to fulfill demand on a regular basis without un-interrupted and adequate supply of power. Almost every sector of activity - be it agriculture, industrial, educational institutions or any other establishments in the state - everyone is effected by non-availability or un-interrupted power supply. Unless a detailed monthly or weekly action-plan is intelligently planned and effectively monitored by an authority or a team of officials, things are not likely to improve in the State of Tamil Nadu in the next one decade.