Monday, October 24, 2011

BREAKING SILENCE AFTER A WHILE (Times of India Editorial on June 30, 2011)

"He is not in silent mode. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh seemingly sought to convey this message by interacting with media persons". 'What’s expected today of politicians is accessibility, transparency and accountability, as manifested in willingness to provide ready answers to people’s questions".

"Singh did well to signal readiness to be under the Lokpal’s ambit. In fighting corruption, the prime minister’s office must set an example. For, any manmade institution, it too can be vulnerable to taint. Rathen than weaken the top office, scrutiny by the Lokpal – subject to checks and balances – will make it stronger, more upright and accountable".

"Singh justifiably says combating black money, tax evation and corruption is not a one time operation. But surely more urgency is needed to push technology aided transparency in Government dealings and systemic and regulatory reform, including by curbing discretionary powers and exposing sources of political funding".

What is needed basically at this juncture is the boldness with which the highest authority of land can maintain sincerity, impartiality and uprightness even at the cost of one's own position, status and perk. Everything else will fall in place automatically. Only those individuals with such qualities of leadership will find a place in the History of India.

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