Times of India has found that 519 people committed suicide in Bundelkhand region (U.P) in the first five months of this year and the Allahabad High Court has taken cognisance of this report and directed the central and state governments to file a status report on this issue by July 15, 2011. One should appreciate the concern expressed by the court and expect the governments to come out with the actual position obtaining on the ground. We keep receiving similar suicide reports from various parts of the country like Vidarbha, Andhra, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Orissa from time to time despite the relief measures taken by those governments and the central governemnt every now and then.
Unfortunately the programmes planned and executed half-heartedly by the ministers and the bureaucrats are temporary and unsuccessful because they don't go into the roots of the problem and find a permanent solution. Money is spent haphazardly with loopholes for pilferage and defective implementation. Nobody is accountable and answerable for the budget amount spent on such schemes. Governments keep coming and going, officers come and get transfered. Who is there to finally ensure a permanent remedy to these farmers who are harassed and tortured by the nature and monsters of the governance.
Unless and until a change in the mind-set and the outlook of the concerned authorities takes place in a realistic and holistic manner, any amount of control and pressure from any quarters including courts will not deliver goods in reality.
1 comment:
Even in developed nations and literate societies like Scandinavian countries the suicide tendency and deaths are common these days.In India since 1997 as many as 241600 farmers have commited suicide. It is on the increase of late.In the progressive state of Tamil Nadu alone 500 farmers committed suicde in 2008 whereas it increased to 1260 in the very next year as reported by the Home ministry in Government of India.
Economic conditions of the farmers in this country force them to take this extreme step out of neglect, lack of timely help from the authorities and self-pity.
I agree with the last sentence of your article.
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