Government of India and some State Governments seem to be quite reluctant to implement the reforms suggested by the Supreme Court of India in the year 2005. They seem to be quite perturbed particularly by two directions issued by the Court i.e,
1. Fixing of tenure for Director General of Police (DGP).
2. Selection of DGPs from the empanelement done by the Union Public Service Commission.
It is a well known fact that the State Governments especially the Chief Ministers normally try to select a person who is amenable or appears to be pliable to the dictates of the state-level political boss. Since the top cop of the State is meant to toe the lines of the Chief Minister blindly, it would be very difficult to expect the Police Force working under him to act independently. This is exactly the reason why the Apex Court thought it proper and better to introduce the police reforms in the aforesaid manner.
It is therefore beyond one's comprehension that the Apex Court is being approached or pressurised after five years by the Government of India and some States to have a rethinking on the direction given by the Court. It would be quite unfortunate if the Apex Court concedes to this request and allow the reforms to be diluted to the disadvantage of the law-abiding citizens of the country.
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