Honey moon followed by the married life of 25 years between BJP and SHIV SENA has come to an end. Sena's leader Uddhav Thackeray wants to become the CM of Maharashtra state now at any cost. If not now never later, he thinks so. Similarly the BJP wants to capitalise the Modi factor and establish their rule in an important state without losing further time. Now do it, may be impossible later, they seem to think that way. Due to the concern expressed by RSS so far, the decision for separation has been delayed till now. Otherwise this decision was already taken by Modi-Shaw duo long back. Some of the smaller groups may join BJP deserting SENA in all probability. The loser will be SENA at the end, one would tend to believe.
Similarly both Congress and NCP (Nationalist Congress Party headed by Sharad Pawar) have separated, after 15 years of friendship, trying to test their waters independently.
In a way it is a good opportunity for all the four - two national parties and two state-level parties headed by regional satraps to try their luck and prove their strength in individual capacity.
A good show! Let us await the results after the elections.