On the eve of 65th Birth Day of the popular chief minister of Tamil Nadu Ms J.Jayalalitha, an article presumably written by a police officer claims that Tamil Nadu has returned to its earlier status viz. the peaceful park on the Indian soil by quoting crime figures of the current period compared to DMK regime and those of the neighbors like Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and West Bengal. It takes pride particularly in the case of lands usurped by anti-social and politicians and the action taken by AIADMK government. It reports that more than 53000 cases were reported to the police and about 1500 cases were registered and 1943 persons were arrested. One may perhaps ask what happened to the remaining complaints numbering about 51000 cases and how many are still in custody out of 1943 persons detained. As one reads in the newspapers and watches TV channels every day it is difficult to count a day when jewellery thefts, burglary, murders are not taking place in the state. If, in spite of all this development, one says that the state is free from crimes, it is nothing but a travesty of facts on the ground.
Monday, February 25, 2013
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